While normally I am an extremely private person, and do not discuss my personal sexual preferences (i.e. what I find attractive, what turns me on, what I find sexually satisfying or erotic), I felt it was necessary to be brutally honest (even graphic) about the topic of sex/sexuality. After reading this post, it will be virtually impossible to be confused, misled, or unclear about my sexual side.
While I am heterosexual, I think the best way to really “communicate” what I find erotic is through images:
In figure 1 above you can see a censored collection of images (actually it’s an image mosaic but it’s not obvious that the underlying image is this) that serves as a sample of what I find erotic. If you would like to see the uncensored NSFW mosaic click here or if you want to see the NSFW individual images that comprise the mosaic click here.
I picked these images at random from videos that I like. I didn’t think hard about it, or second guess it, I was just honest about what I find erotic. So when I say these images capture what I find erotic, it’s unabashedly true. Understand that I am not overly fond of sharing this part of myself, and that the only reason I am doing this is to be completely transparent. I believe this transparency is necessary for not only someone who may be potentially interested in me personally, but also for my own self-understanding.